4 GHz frequency band using unfold spectrum waveform combination of time hopping, frequency hopping and OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex. It is primarily designed for operation corporations of up programming help 30 individuals however it also helps networks with unlimited selection of contributors enables for full duplex communique in ad hoc electronic networks with no extra infrastructure required. Automatic rebroadcasting packet routing, space variety transmission and reception, high speed data transmission, long battery life and relay programming help better level network are standard traits. Operating features: duplex voice conversation in a set of up programming help 30 users, semi duplex voice verbal exchange with out proscribing laptop science help collection of users, convention call of up programming help four users, communication in an alternative net via a transceiver attached programming help computer technology help other net, wireless PTT keying, learning mode for instant PTT key assigning, VOX keying, USB data interface data expander available, fundamental operation, erasure of entered parameters, 8 presets, amount regulation in four steps. Technical parameters:Frequency range 2400. 0 MHz programming help 2483.